There I was at Turtle Beach today with my camera...the one with the telephoto lens, just minding my own business. All of a sudden this woman practically leaps into my field of vision. As I focused, I began to feel sorry for her because her suit bottom was so clingy. It was about 85 degrees, but the wind was brisk off the ocean, and it was quite cloudy. The young woman had bravely been up to her knees in the water, taking pics of some surfer dudes. There were some decent waves crashing onto the shore. This poor thing had just been hit by a mean old wave minutes before I snapped this shot. I was about 150 feet away and only trained the lens on her to see if she was shaken up. Once I saw that she was okay, with no thought for my own safety, I snapped this and a couple more. I was going to offer her a towel, but she already had one. She was able to dry herself off enough to stop that ill-fitting suit bottom from clinging so badly, which made me feel much better.
I only took this pic for humanitarian see if she was all right after
a rogue wave soaked her from the waist down.
The telephoto lens is deceptive-that little kid to her
right is another 50 feet away! |