Sunday, November 13, 2011

Dirty dog 11-13-11

Everywhere the gym mascot goes, people ask "Does she shed a lot?" We answer "As much as you can imagine, and then double it." This is not always the case, of course. Some months are better than others. After her spring "molt," when the pink skin on her tummy is peeking through, the vacuum at home only comes out every three days or so. We used to go through a lot of vacuums as well, burning out belts and motors with abandon. The vacuum that PW (that's the name he goes by...he works out in the late morning...he even went by it fighting in the Korean War) sold us is holding up fairly well however, and we are hoping to get an entire year out of it. Sasha does not like to be brushed, as you might imagine. She likes baths even less. She LOVES snow, of course, but has no use for it in it's melted form. Coaxing her into the bath tub, to put it mildly, is a struggle. I used to trick her onto a sofa with a treat and then just scoop her up. Breathing in mouthfuls of fur and not being able to see where one is going made it unpleasant. Her arthritis and weight make that method even more challenging of late. Yesterday we spent 10 minutes with a treat that she seemed determined to ignore. We tried to lure her into the main bathroom with it, but she sensed a trap. Our dog was willing to go anywhere in the house but the bathroom hallway. Herding and pushing her did not work. She is somewhat of a herding dog herself, and knew all the tricks. We ended up putting her collar back on and gently tugging on it for another 5 minutes. It was with great trepidation that we finally  arrived in the main bathroom.  To be cont....

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